Blurred Boundaries Read online

Page 15

  “Don’t you dare. It’s far too early in the day for the kind of shenanigans that would bring. Right now is my quiet time.”

  She frowned. “Hold up. I’ve seen you far more ‘on’ earlier than this. Some 4 a.m. call times come to mind.”

  He shrugged. “That’s the middle of the night. I can still hang. When I’m working, time has less meaning than when I’m not. Sleeping until at least ten is preferable.”

  Tam nodded. She couldn’t help, but notice that his hand still covered hers. The warm weight of it was a pleasure to which she did not want to become that accustomed. Still, she didn’t bother to move away. She told herself that it was because she didn’t want to offend him.

  “Speaking of sleeping, I forgot to ask you about your hotel plans. The area is pretty rural so you’re not going find any grand accommodations.”

  “What? You mean I’m not sharing whatever bed you have?” He pressed his free hand to his heart in quite a dramatic fashion. His antics, however, did nothing to assuage her awareness that he was still holding her hand.

  She did her best to ignore it. “I’m not even sure I have a bed. I’m staying with my best friend and I haven’t been to her new house, yet. I draw the line at sharing a couch with you.”

  That sexy smirk of his tilted up the corner of his mouth. “Why not? It’ll be cozy.” He squeezed her hand. “Besides, don’t you think at this point, that it’s a rule we bunk together?”

  “Clearly I need to have a word with whoever made that rule. You snore.”

  He affected a hurt look. “And you drool. We all have our crosses to bear. Of course, my cross is a little more soggy…”

  Tam was a lot more horrified than she should’ve been since she knew he was teasing her. Still. She’d drooled. On him. Perfect. Just perfect. She decided that denying everything was the way to go. “Where’s your proof?”

  “It dried.”

  “A ha! The perfect crime,” she announced with a smug smile.

  “Not so fast, missy. It’ll happen again. I’ll preserve the evidence next time.”

  “What makes you think there will be a next time?” It was totally surreal to Tam that she was sitting here joking about the next time she slept with Evan Josephs, crazy hot TV star. Of course, they were talking actual sleep, but hey, she’d take what she could get. She couldn’t imagine any scenario in which “sleep” would take on the other definition between them anyway.

  His smile turned all mysterious and she instinctively knew that the joke was over. Before he could answer another voice intruded.

  “Good morning. What would you all like for breakfast?”

  Evan and Tam both looked at the flight attendant who was now standing over his shoulder. Her pen was poised above a notepad awaiting their order. Tam zeroed back in on their surroundings. Somehow, they’d managed to take off and she hadn’t even noticed.

  Evan let go of her hand to give her a menu. “Do you have any recommendations?” He asked. How was he able to switch gears that fast? She was still reeling over being caught holding hands with a boy in public. Tam gave her head a tiny shake and focused on the breakfast choices. No wonder she was single.

  She was determined not to let things get weird between them because they had a long few days ahead of them. She wanted them to be fun, not awkward. She needn’t have worried. As soon as they’d placed their orders, Evan got down to business pitching the film’s story concept to her. Happy to be back on familiar territory, she was able to focus on the way he told the tale. She could see how the concept had hooked him.

  The conversation led to his entertaining her with stories from his childhood that were similar to the script. If she were writing the next draft, she’d definitely include some of those. However, she still wasn’t sure that she wanted to get involved because all she could see was the legal hassle the other writer would put them through if they didn’t shoot his masterpiece word for word.

  The conversation flowed fast and free between them as they worked on hammering out the structure of the script. Before she knew it, they were landing. She was almost sorry to feel the landing gear touch down on the tarmac. She was enjoying the cozy camaraderie that had rekindled between them in the close confines of the plane.

  It gave her plausible excuses to touch him. For some crazy reason, he felt like home to her. Refusing to analyze the unfamiliar thoughts, Tam gathered her carryon and filed off the aircraft. Still, she was hyper aware that Evan was right behind her, on her heels.

  chapter fourteen

  Tam glanced up from her phone in time to clock the arrival of the teenage girls who’d been on their flight in the baggage claim area. They all seemed oblivious to everyone around them, focusing instead on whatever shenanigans they were up to with their friends.

  She switched Evan’s leather jacket to her other arm and leaned against one of the posts that was between the conveyor belts. From her position, she had a good view of Evan who was talking with a rental car agent at one of the counters opposite the baggage carousels.

  She was amazed that no one really gave him a second look. From behind, he was just as anonymous as everyone else in the terminal. She caught a couple women toss him a second look in passing, but she suspected that it had more to do with the way his shirt contoured over his sculpted shoulders down to his slim waist than any recognition on their part.

  Tam shook her head. She didn’t know what she’d been expecting, traveling with him like this. Other than the upgrades, it was completely normal. She turned her attention back to the phone. Normal, except she’d arrived at her destination and was just now looking up hotels.

  She was a planner. She liked having every single detail of her itinerary worked out weeks before she headed off anywhere. Evan was much more spontaneous. She looked his direction just as the agent shook his head and Evan moved on to the next counter. She sighed. Hopefully, she’d have better luck finding them a place to stay.

  Despite her assertion that he wasn’t going to sleep with her again, she’d decided that it would be downright rude of her to go traipsing off with Vivian and leave Evan on his own in a strange place. She’d been raised to show better hospitality than that. And she couldn’t expect Vivian to put him up. She had four kids and Tam wasn’t sure she’d have enough space for two of them.

  Still, she was having no luck with hotels. The one that wasn’t booked that was also near Vivian’s also had review after review complaining of bedbugs. She’d sleep on the street first. And she was sure Evan was used to swankier digs.

  Activity picked up around her and she noted that the carousel had started moving. Tam gave up the search and tucked her phone away just as she spotted one of Evan’s bags heading toward her. She looked his way. He was working on paperwork at the third rental counter he’d been to so she went to grab his luggage for him.

  The thing was a lot heavier than she’d expected, but she managed. He had two others that were coming at her as well. She frowned. They’d be gone for less than a week. How many outfits did one man need? And he’d had the neve to tease her about going away for a year.

  Tam wrestled his bags from the moving belt and regretted that she hadn’t thought to get a cart. Her single, wheeled duffel bag appeared, reminding her why she didn’t think in terms of extra carts.

  His bags were the whole reason that he was renting a car. She knew Vivian drove a Mercedes convertible and there was no way all of them, plus the luggage would fit. Tam dragged all their bags back to the post where she’d been waiting.

  She checked her phone again for any messages from her friend. Before they’d left, Tam had texted her to say that she planned to rent a car so Vivian didn’t need to make the trek out to the airport. So far, there had been no response and Tam was hesitant to leave without making contact. She didn’t want her friend to come out there for nothing.

  “There she is!” Tam spun at the familiar voice. Her squeal would’ve rivaled anything the teenage girls could’ve mustered had they noticed Evan. She dro
pped her carryon bag on a nearby chair and hugged Vivian for all she was worth.

  “So, you didn’t get my text.” Tam stood back a little to get a good look at her friend. She marveled at how one person could defy the aging process as well as Vivian.

  Her curly, brown hair with reddish gold highlights was piled on top her head in a haphazard, but somehow still elegant bun. The long lashes that framed her laughing green eyes had almost caused a fight to break out on her wedding day when Vivian had incessantly complained about how they kept brushing her veil. Since that had been the extent of her bridezilla moment, Tam and the other bridesmaids had quickly forgiven her. Although, the fact that she’d since popped out two kids and was still as tiny as she’d been in high school might cause them to revisit the issue.

  “I got your text. I just ignored it. There’s no need for you to go to all that expense. You can take my car whenever you need to go somewhere.” Vivian hugged her again. “Besides, I couldn’t wait a moment longer to see you.”

  “Awww. Me, either, but we may have some logistics issues.” Tam showed Vivian all the luggage she had with her.

  “Holy— are you moving back?” Vivian teased. She paused and raised an eyebrow. “Are you moving back? ‘Cause that would be awesome and— Oh, my.”

  Vivian grabbed Tam’s arm and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Hot guy alert. On your six.”

  Tam smiled at the memories Vivian had just invoked. When they’d first gotten their licenses, they’d spent countless hours at the mall in a nearby town scoping out cute guys and having a general gigglefest. Tam missed those simpler times.

  “You totally can’t look now. He’s coming this way. I’ll let you know when he passes so you can get a peek.” Vivian frowned. “Except, he’s coming this way. And looks like he knows you.” She gave Tam an amused smirk. “Did you make a friend on the plane? Good job!”

  Tam didn’t need to glance over her shoulder to figure out that Evan must be heading over. He stopped beside her and held out a hand to her friend.

  “You must be Vivian. A pleasure.” Tam watched Evan turn on the charm and kiss Vivian’s hand. Her friend actually tittered under the charismatic assault. Tam frowned. They didn’t titter. Over anything. Ever. Tam needed to shut this down. If she had any hope of keeping things professional with Evan, she needed Vivian on her side to help her do it. They were already on shaky territory with him following her home like this.

  Tam picked up the introductions. “This is Evan Josephs. You know. From work.”

  Vivian’s smile turned super confused. “Evan?” She leaned close to Tam to whisper, “Don’t we hate him?”

  Evan was standing too close not to have heard the question. His eyebrows lifted in confirmation. Good. He hadn’t won Vivian over just yet.

  “That’s yesterday’s news. We’re at indifference today.” Vivian nodded, accepting the teasing announcement.

  Evan just shook his head. “You didn’t warn me I was entering hostile territory here.”

  Tam smiled. “Surprise!” Then she took pity on him and squeezed his arm. “It was much worse before we met. I’ll admit it. You’ve kinda grown on me.”

  Evan grinned, much more secure in his footing again. She could just imagine his ego swelling. She couldn’t have that. “Like a boil.”

  His grin never wavered and he changed the subject. “I’m all set. I got an SUV so there’s plenty of room.” He held up the keys.

  Tam tipped her head and tried not to snicker when she said to Vivian, “For my extra baggage.” She flicked her eyes to Evan teasingly indicating that she considered him to be part of said baggage.

  “Hey!” He protested while shouldering his carryon. “If you’re not careful, I won’t invite myself along with you anywhere ever again.”

  “Promise?” Tam tossed over her shoulder. “Seriously, though. I’m still trying to find a hotel that’s not planning to gouge us.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What’s this about a hotel? You’re staying with me.” Vivian included Evan in her look. “Both of you.”

  Evan spared Tam a glance. “Contrary to popular belief, I don’t want to impose.”

  “Nonsense. I have plenty of room even if Missy wasn’t with her mother this week.”

  Vivian’s voice remained cheerful, but Tam heard the underlying annoyance in her tone. Before she could analyze it, she felt Evan’s arm around her shoulders.

  “We can share. I’m starting to think it might be bad luck if we don’t sleep together when we travel.”

  Tam wanted to die. Or kill him. She was undecided. The only thing she knew for sure was that Vivian was now going to have a shitload of questions to which Tam had no answers. Heck. She had the same questions and still no answers.

  Vivian leveled a pointed look on her. One of the teenage girls sidled up to Evan and stalled her pain.

  “Can I take a selfie with you?” The girl asked without preamble. Tam looked around the area. None of the other girls were around.

  Evan booted up his character, Drew, in less than a nanosecond and drawled, “Absolutely.”

  He took off his hat and tousled his hair. No hat head for him, Tam discovered when the strands fell perfectly over his forehead.

  Evan and the girl mugged for the camera. She snapped several selfies with her phone. “Thanks.”

  When she gathered up her bags to leave, Evan asked, “Where are your friends? Do you want a group shot?”

  The girl snorted. “You’re kidding, right? They’re going to be so jelly they didn’t spot you.” She held up the phone. “This is going to be currency for like a whole week.” Without another word, she strode off leaving the adults staring after her.

  Off that uncomfortable insight into the teenage mind, Tam looked at her cohorts. “I think we should go.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Lucy. You’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do.” Vivian said in her best Desi Arnaz impression. She took her eyes off the freeway long enough to look at Tam. “So spill.”

  Tam shrugged. She knew exactly what her friend was asking, but chose to play dumb because this was not a conversation she wanted to have right now. “There’s nothing to spill. Evan wants me to rewrite a film for him to direct. He came along to pitch the idea to me.”

  Vivian gave her the side eye. “There is something seriously wrong with you. You know that?”

  Tam frowned. “What?”

  “You actually believe that’s why he came with you?”

  “Of course. What other reason could there possibly be?”

  Vivian sighed. “At some point, I’m going to have to actually kill you. You’re just too clueless to live.”


  “Thank you.” Vivian looked Tam’s way again. “You really don’t see that he’s got a thing for you? I mean, just that crack about you sleeping together is proof enough. He was marking his territory.”

  Hope blossomed just a little in Tam’s heart. It took mere seconds for her brain to kill it. “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I mean, come on. Marking his territory? Whatever.” Tam paused. She kept her tone light, but she wanted a serious answer. “Could you really see us as a couple?”


  So she got the answer she’d wanted, but was still determined not to believe it. “You’re the one too clueless to live. No two people are more mismatched than us.”

  “You know how opposites attract. Besides, what’s so mismatched about the two of you?”

  Tam narrowed her eyes at her friend. “Have you gone blind or something? I mean, you saw him. He’s a walking ad for GQ.” She paused thoughtfully. “Actually, I think he may have modeled for GQ. And I’m…” Tam looked at her own faded t shirt and jeans. “Me. C’mon, Vivian. We had to rent a car just for his luggage.” Tam checked the side mirror to make sure Evan was still trailing them. He was.

  “Oh, good God. What has L.A. done to you? Are you seriously that shallow now or just latching on to a convenient excuse?”

; “I’m that real. You should see some of his past girlfriends. I can’t even peek in the window of their league.”

  “Keyword: Past. Meaning there’s a reason they broke up. Maybe he’s looking for a change.”

  Tam sighed. She would gladly donate a kidney if only Vivian’s words were true. No matter how much she may wish it to be so, it couldn’t be. Things like that only happened on the Hallmark Channel.

  “Ha! Shows what you know.” Tam smugly informed Vivian about the months that had passed without any real communication between her and Evan at all. If Vivian’s hypothesis was true, they’d have been talking all this time.

  Her friend was undeterred. “What I know is that the man is going to way more trouble than necessary if all he wants from you are your writing skills.”

  “Yeah, well, speaking of trouble, you got all weird when you mentioned Missy back there. What’s she done now?”

  It was Vivian’s turn to sigh. “That kid. She thinks she’s grown.”

  “Isn’t that par for the course at her age?”

  “To a point, sure, but her mother has her all turned around. She’s campaigning for Mother of the Year by letting her drink and smoke and hang out with boys. It’s totally turning me into the bad guy.”

  “Typical Cassandra.”

  “I know, right?” Vivian blew out a frustrated breath. “Even if I try to get her to do something as simple as her homework, she throws a tantrum and screams until I back off. The names she calls me? It’s unreal.” Vivian looked at Tam. “Please tell me that we weren’t such little shits when we were growing up.”

  “Are you kidding me? If we even looked at our parents the wrong way we’d get knocked into next week.”

  “So not an option here. Cassandra is just looking for a reason to take both Missy and Eva away from us.”

  “Can she do that? The court did strip her of her rights for a reason.”

  Vivian shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t want to find out. It would kill Peter to lose the girls to that sociopath. I’m terrified that Missy is going to be just like her.”